01.09.2024 - Outing MOR BRAZ CRUISE

Amazing outing with all three dolphin species and plenty of seabirds!

The outing sightings :

  • 29 Bottlenose dolphins
  • 124 Common dolphins
  • 2 Harbour porpoises
  • 2 Northern Bluefin Tunas
  • 957 Balearic shearwaters
  • 624 European storm petrels
  • 113 Northern gannets
  • 3 Wilson's storm petrels
  • 12 European shags
  • 2 Great cormorants
  • 12 Parasitic jaegers
  • x European herring gull
  • x Great-black backed gull
  • x Lesser black-backed gull
  • 1 Black-headed gull
  • 4 Mediterranean gulls
  • 10 Sabine's gulls
  • 6 Sandwich terns
  • 17 Common terns
  • 9 Black terns
  • 1 Caspian gull
  • 1 Common murre
  • 1 Common murre or Razorbill
  • 7 Common scoters
  • 3 Grey herons
  • 2 Grey plovers
  • 2 Sand Martins
  • 1 Yellow-legged gull

Pictures from our outings :

None None None None None None None None None

26.08.2024 - Outing MOR BRAZ CRUISE

Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Sunfish, and Wilson's Storm-Petrels for this Monday!

The outing sightings :

  • 45 Bottlenose dolphins
  • 75 Common dolphins
  • 1 Ocean sunfish
  • 5 Manx shearwaters
  • 492 Balearic shearwaters
  • 1 Sooty shearwater
  • 2 Great shearwaters
  • 4 Cory's shearwaters
  • 572 European storm petrels
  • 9 Northern gannets
  • 3 Wilson's storm petrels
  • 1 European shag
  • 3 Parasitic jaegers
  • x European herring gull
  • x Great-black backed gull
  • x Lesser black-backed gull
  • 1 Mediterranean gull
  • 5 Sabine's gulls
  • 14 Sandwich terns
  • 16 Common terns
  • 2 Barn swallows
  • 1 Black tern
  • 2 Common murres
  • 4 Eurasian whimbrels
  • 4 Mallards
  • 1 Razorbill
  • 2 Ruddy turnstones
  • 1 Shearwater sp.

Pictures from our outings :

None None None None None None None None None